luni, 15 februarie 2010

Online-ul nu are granite. Se schimba lucrurile. Simtiti?

Va rog sa ne ajutati astazi in a va anunta prietenii de pe Facebook ca vrem sa schimbam niste lucruri importante pe la noi, pe aici, prin Land of Choice.

Taramul WWW nu are granite. Nu ne trebuie decat acceptul prietenilor de pe Facebook pentru a posta la ei pe Wall povestea de mai jos (asigurati-va ca se copiaza si link-urile).

Nu vom posta la intamplare, ci doar dupa ce oamenii si-au dat acceptul si au inteles despre ce e vorba.

Textul de mai jos va fi tradus in limbile italiana, franceza, germana.
Multumiri lui Andrei Bobocea, care ne-a ajutat intr-o seara si a scris textul de mai jos din proprie initiativa, pentru a putea notifica publicatii internationale de renume.

Where the Health System fails, the Internet wins

It’s the case that brought a new era to charity in Eastern Europe. It’s proof that people can save a life with or without the help of officials. When they turn their backs on us, we grow stronger and more ambitious. And we win.
For the past few weeks the Romanian Internet community managed to unite and do their best to save the life of Daniel Răduță. The twittersphere became the 29 year-old IT engineer’s best friend. Ever since he was diagnosed with leukemia, the vast majority of the 10.000 Twitter users have helped in every way they could: donations, telling friends, retweeting and writing on their personal weblogs or organizing charity events.
We want to help Daniel live to raise his little boy who will be born in less than two weeks.

13 days and €70.000 - the outcome of a common effort of people that have never met Daniel, but can relate to his story. Every one of us has had a relative who suffered from cancer. Every one of us would like to see things change. We don’t want to wait for “the system” to take action – it might just be too late!
Considering the fact that in Romania the minimum salary is just a bit over €170 and the average one goes slightly over €400, it is a big effort. Daniel needs, however, €150.000 for the bone marrow transplant that he is forced to “purchase” for himself, abroad. Life does not fall out of trees, but it can be saved by a tree of hope grown by people.

Unfortunately, not even the most open-hearted people have almighty powers. We have to turn to the borderless kingdom known as the World Wide Web. The hash tag #draduta shows the interest of the Romanian online community for the case. Every hour tweets flow, updating everyone with the latest news, with how much money is left to be collected, how the campaign grows and how many more people are interested.

Daniel’s cause on Facebook has over 8400 people at this moment. There are over 180 weblog articles, starting with Daniel’s own page, visited by more than 34.000 people already.

Why the online communities and not the Health System?

...because Romania does not have a functional database with bone marrow donors. Because, in Romania, a bone marrow transplant can only be performed if the patient has a 100% compatible (kindred) donor.

This is what this campaign will address in a secondary stage: in order for us to be able to fish, we need to learn how.

The online community moves fast. Updates run smoothly, people can suggest, comment, relate, brainstorm, be a part of it all. But it’s not enough to raise as much as that small fortune to go to the international life-selling marketplace and buy a life. We got help, from the editors from major publications, such as Deutsche Welle or,.

The key word here is TIME. We only have a few months to get Daniel to transplant. We need all the help we can get, to save a life dear to us and to prove that Romania can save Itself, doing everything with its online, magical powers.

Your help is needed!
Every little bit of effort helps. Two bank accounts have been opened at Banca Transilvania for easier support for those who want to help Daniel:
EUR: RO72BTRL06404201F02712XX
RON: RO57BTRL064013HAF02712XX
Or by simply using Paypal

5 comentarii:

  1. Frumos textul, dar are 2 mici probleme:
    - lipsește linkul la blogul lui Daniel;
    - linkul către hashtag-ul #draduta nu duce către Twitter, iar pagina pe care ajunge nu prea face ce trebuie...

  2. Am omis link-ul, cer iertare :)Mi-am reparat greseala. Mie php-ul cu twitt-urile mi se pare o chestie f faina, pentru ca le pastreaza de la inceputuri pana acum...La mine functioneaza perfect...La ce te referi, la timpii de download pe care si-i ia?

  3. Mă refeream la timpul prea mare de încărcare și la faptul că, spre sfârșit, crapă ceva funcție :D

    Dacă Vlad dorește, pot încerca să îl ajut să implementeze un mecanism de cache pentru acele tweet-uri, deși părerea mea e că tot Twitter-ul le afișează cel mai elegant: :)

  4. Salut Cezar!

    Iei cu copy paste tot textul si ti-l pui la status messahe. Iti apare automat pe wall. Se mai poate insa lua cu Share de pe profilul meu de Facebook!/dianastoleru?ref=mf. Il gaseti dand un scroll down. Daca treci cursorul peste post, iti va aparea un buton de share...
